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Well it is official!  I am now a Wilton Methods Instructor at Hobby Lobby.  Trying to recruit students is much harder than I had originally anticipated.  Only 1 week until classes begin and still I have no students.  I have decided to make a store display.  I have never made a dummy cake.  Where do you even begin?  The inter webs.  Still, not much to go on there either.  Humm, Fondant drys hard, so let’s try that on some styrofoam.  I still have no idea how to make fake buttercream for the dummy wedding cake that is yet to be completed.  I ended up creating a birthday cake gift box; see Wilton Course 3 Lesson 2.  I made a slightly different bow and used a modern color scheme with dots.  I hope you like it…. it will last FOREVER!

Hello reader, this Blog is a real time biography for Bonobo Cakes. BC will become an official bakery sooner than later. For now however, we are closed. With the addition of a 3rd child, life is to important to stop and spend 24 hours strait on a cake. Although we love cake, it will be a while before we get back into baking on a large scale. Enjoy the stories and photos, but please ask prior to using any of our original information on another site. Thank you and Enjoy the blog as it was!